How to Remove a Color in Photoshop

How to Remove a Color in Photoshop: 5 Minutes Read and Apply

Often it happens, photographers try different colors to highlight the subject, resulting in unwanted and eye-soring colors in the final image. However, some amazing tools in Adobe Photoshop can remove color wit Read More

Famous Photojournalists

13 Famous Photojournalists You Need to Know

Gordon Parks said, "The day he understood the camera could be a weapon against poverty, racism, and all sorts of social wrongs, he had to have it." Not only Gordon Parks, but many other famous photojournalists Read More

How to Take Pictures of Shoes

How to Take Pictures of Shoes - DIY Tutorial

The era is rapidly changing. Customers are purchasing shoes online more and more. Thus, to create a great first impression, you need to take high-quality stunning shoe images. Remember, J.K Rowling said, "First Read More