How to Curve Text in Gimp

How to Curve Text in Gimp With Paths Tool Like a Pro

Hello designers, Did you notice? From badges, posters and logos to social media, all are using circular and curved text. Why? Because our eyes like to see simple yet visually interesting texts. Read More

How to Take Pictures of Jewelry

5 Easy Techniques on How to Take Pictures of Jewelry

What is your favorite jewelry? Mine are bracelets. Once, while scrolling instagram, a bracelet from Cartier snatched my mind which led me to their store and boy! That bracelet looked exactly the same as the pho Read More

Hat Product Photography

How to Do Hat Product Photography on Your Own

Photographing hats is different from other product photography. Remember what Frank Sinatra said? "Cock your hat, angles are attitude"! Definitely, showing off your product 'hat' is quite sensitive, you gotta s Read More